Rickard Spunover Banjos

  • Sale
  • Regular price $3,408.52

Starting at $2335.00 USD

To purchase this banjo or for more information please contact....  info@rickardbanjos.com or call Sean at (905) 727-8686

**All Rickard Banjos now include our patented Cyclone High Precision 10:1 Ratio Tuning Pegs**

So many options! So many finishes!

Our Spunover banjo rims are annealed and hand spun from a single sheet of brass or copper with a brass ring embedded in both open sides. This process creates unique tonal qualities and eliminates the need of a welded seam under the necks heel contact point.   

Browse through our Spunover banjos and contact us regarding your custom build. 

Available in 11 and 12 Inch Diameters